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Seminar - solid dispersion in pharmaceutical developments - 26th September 2019

Le 26 septembre, la Plateforme GALA et Merck ont organisé un séminaire international "How to accelerate your pharmaceutical developments based on the solid dispersion strategy". Cette journée a été un succès avec plus de 60 participants et des retours très positifs tant sur le contenu scientifique (qualité et niveau d’expertise des différents intervenants), que sur l’organisation de cette journée et notamment par le haut niveau d’équipements présentés.

Pour plus d'information en français : Site Helloprojets.fr de l'agglomération Castres-Mazamet


On September 26th, Gala platefrom and Merck organised a international seminar on "How to accelerate your pharmaceutical developments based on the solid dispersion strategy". This day was a success with more than 60 participants and positive feedbacks from the quality of the technical scientific content, but also about the high level of equipment presented during the day.


The solubility of drugs is one the most challenging aspects in developing formulations for novel drug discovery. Pharmaceutical solid dispersion is a powerful strategy enhancing the solubility and bioavailability of water poorly-soluble drugs. Some powerful strategies can be adopted to ease the whole development process, from the early phase screening to the manufacturing process design, process design, thus accelerating and simplifying your drug formulation. As different manufacturing processes may originate products with properties the adequate selection of the manufacturing process is also crucial for the success of the product. Solvent-free processing and versatility are the most attractive attributes of the HME technology, which will be highlighted in the frame of this meeting.


The Seminar was an one-day event divided in two parts:
4 lectures in the morning followed by the visit of Gala platform facilities in afternoon with 2 parallel demo/work sessions (Hot Melt Extrusion and Raman microscopy).


Experts speakers from industry (Merck, KGaA, Evotec Toulouse, Witec Corporation, Zeiss Group) and academy (University of Auvergne, France) were present.

Focused on following topics :

  • Selecting the appropriate solid form in drug discovery phase to improve oral bioavailability and/or developability of compounds.
  • Polyvinyl-alcohol a powerful excipient to stabilize amorphous solid dispersions using hot melt extrusion.
  • Evaluation of in vitro dissolution techniques for supersaturating drug delivery systems
  • Presentation of the principle and applications of correlated SEM (Structural and elemental characterization) and Confocal Raman Microscopy (Chemical identification and imaging) in the pre-formulation and reverse engineering.

Watch the pictures of the event