Une nouvelle offre en galénique avancée

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Gala for GALenic Advanced

Gala platform is a technological plateau based on Innovation and Research, and was identified as a structuring project for the Cancer-Bio-Health cluster. The platform was originally created from a strategic partnership between Castres-Mazamet technopole and IMT Mines Albi, with a financing of investments from the agglomeration community of Castres-Mazamet, the Midi-Pyrénées Region and the State.


Gala platform is branch of the IMT Mines Albi school. Gala works in collaboration with 5 laboratories located in the Occitanie region to develop innovative technologies of galenic forms to target the sectors of health, chemistry, biotechnology, cosmetic, food and feed. 

The platform is specialised in the innovative process of powder generation and galenic formulation for pharmaceutical companies, food health industries and public research laboratories.

Gala is composed of two essential elements:

  • A expertise network in the field, combining chemists, pharmacists, physics-chemists and engineers from five R&D laboratories: Rapsodee Center UMR CNRS 5302 of IMT Mines Albi; SPCMIB laboratory UMR 5068 CNRS/UPS; Chemistry engineering laboratory UMR 5503 CNRS/INPT; I.M.R.C.P. laboratory UMR 5623 CNRS/UPS (S.M.O.D.D. group) and CIRIMAT UMR 5085 CNRS/INPT/UPS (equiped « P.P.B. »);
  • A technical laboratory of 400 square meters located at Castres (1h from Toulouse), devoted to materials generation process and galenic formulations, as well as materials characterisation. The platform gives a sharing of equipments to experiment and characterise process and materials in industrial conditions, also to manipulate pharmaceutical actives in the respect of the pharmaceutical safety rules.

A favoured collaboration between the 5 laboratories has been established to realise common researches; to give scientific services to external partners (industries, universities, others…); to develop the partenariats research of laboratories with thirds at local, national, aurorean and international levels.

Concretely, the actions into Gala platform aim to:
  • Unify regional  and local players with activities in galenic and materials generation process are closes;
  • Improve the connectivity between these different players;
  • Contribute to articulate the research in Occitanie Region;
  • Improve the visibility of the Cancer-Bio-Health competitiveness cluster;
  • Introduce collaborative projects between companies and/or laboratories, and tender from contracts in research;
  • Offer characterisation and research services within the Gala platform.